Why work with us?


We bring everything you need to the table!

Frustrated with your current branding company?

Branded assets not aligned with your business objectives?

Branded materials not compatible with both digital and traditional media?

Cost and time exceeding your expectations?

Envisioned Ideas is different

We leverage international experience developing branded assets to close thousands to multi-million dollar deals

  1. To achieve our customer’s business objectives, Envisioned Ideas utilizes a prioritized, milestone-driven, outcomes and constraints-based management approach to govern their work.
  1. We begin by onboarding every new customer using our proprietary Envisioned Insights process.
  1. Our customers then work with a dedicated team led by a professional designer with a doctorate in art and a business marketing executive. These team leaders possess decades of global experience in their area of expertise.

Tammy Cline, PhD

The creative force behind Envisioned Ideas, Dr. Tammy Cline possesses 30+ years of international business and marketing design experience. Crafting branded assets for globally renowned organizations, she specializes in overcoming visual-verbal barriers to effectively communicate a busines’s value and establish an engaging connection with its audience.

When collaborating with clients, Dr. Cline leverages her research in creativity to facilitate critical thinking, problem-solving, and novel idea generation. She then uses these concepts throughout the design, prototyping, and development of the client’s branded assets.

Dr. Cline’s professional experience includes work in digital design, photography, and print media. She holds a doctorate in Art from the University of Georgia.